Sun. Jun 8
09:00 am
11:00 am
Approx. 3 miles
15 Open Spots
Join Master Naturalist & Joshua’s Trust member Deb Field for an exploration of the forest and views in the Proposal Rock/Coney Rock Preserve in Mansfield. The preserve is jointly owned by Joshua’s Tract Conservation and Historic Trust, which preserves more than 5000 acres in northeastern CT and the Mansfield Town Parks and Recreation Department. We’ll enter from the Proposal Rock trailhead, off Woodland Rd. in Mansfield and hike approximately 3 miles of Joshua’s Trust trails including the Proposal Rock boulders, extensive wetlands and the Coney Rock overlook. This is a moderate to strenuous hike with some elevation changes and a stream crossing. Bring sunscreen, water, and snacks. Sturdy shoes and hiking poles are recommended. Rain will cancel. Pre-registration is required. For more information contact the event leader.
Event Leader(s)
Rain Date
Organization Partners
Meeting Location Details
From Rt 195- Left onto Chaffeeville Rd., right onto Wildwood Rd, right onto Woodland Rd.
From Rt 44 – Right onto Codfish Falls Rd., straight through stop sign onto Chaffeeville Rd, left onto Wildwood Rd, right onto Woodland Rd.
Alternately from either direction, Woodland Rd can also be accessed from Gurleyville Rd.
Drive to the end of Woodland Rd., there is a small lot on the right at the trailhead. Overflow parking will be along the roadside
Click on the red map pin for the event address.

No Dogs Permitted