Hiking Resources
- Hiking- 101 Basics- Video Series (English & Spanish)
- Tick Safety
- What is Leave No Trace?
CT Trails Day Introduction
Each year, on the first Saturday of June, we come together to celebrate National Trails Day. National Trails Day is a day of public events aimed at advocacy and trail service started by the American Hiking Society. As the state affiliate for the American Hiking Society, CFPA was an early adopter of the National Trails Day program. With over 175 events, Connecticut has elevated itself to the national stage by hosting more events than any other state.
Today, Connecticut Trails Day has expanded into a two-day celebration at many locations throughout our state. Join us the first weekend in June to celebrate trails and the outdoors by promoting recreational activities to protect our trails for future generations.
Trails Day Event Registration
Trails Day Media Kit
Check back in early Spring 2025. Resources to help our CT Trails Day leaders promote their events are coming soon. Thanks for helping spread the word!
Trails Day Leader E-news
Stay updated with information and updates about leading a Trails Day event.
Trails Day Sponsorship
Become a Trails Day Sponsor- Info coming soon for 2025.
A Message from our CT Trails Day Coordinator
Hi, I’m Chuck, Connecticut Forest & Park Association’s Trails Day Coordinator. A warm welcome back to the hundreds of event leaders who have safely guided thousands of participants on Connecticut’s beautiful trails and rivers. Your leadership has made our state’s Trails Day weekend the largest in the country. Welcome back and thank you for leading an event. We could never have done it without you!
For anyone who is thinking about leading an event for the first time, it takes a bit of coordinating, but it’s a blast, too. You are joining a select group of extraordinary outdoor leaders. Watch our leader e-newsletters in the coming weeks. We’ll give you tips and suggestions to help you get the word out. The earlier you plan, the more you and your guests will have a safe and fun Trails Day. The CFPA Trails Day team wants to make it easy for you.
CT Trails Day – Join our neighbors to give back to our state’s trails and build a world where everyone feels welcome and has access to the outdoors.
Please feel free to contact me at I’ll see you on the trail!