Sat. Jun 7
10:00 am
12:00 pm
4 miles
Open Event
The Avon Land Trust and Avon Recreation & Parks Department have organized a family-friendly walk along the essentially flat Farmington River Red Trail in Fisher Meadows.
The complete circuit of Fisher Meadows covers 4 miles. There is a convenient cut-off that makes for a 2-mile hike. We will be done with the complete hike around noon. Bring your friends and family!
As always, wear good hiking shoes and bring sufficient water for a two-hour hike. Hiking poles and bug/tick spray are recommended. It is tick season. It is wise to tuck your pants into your socks and wear tick-repellant clothing.
Finally, in the event of a bad weather postponement, an email will be sent by 7:30 AM Sunday with a make-up date.
Event Leader(s)
iezzi@sbcglobal.netNorm Sondheimer
nksondheimer@gmail.comRain Date
Organization Partners
Meeting Location Details
775 Old Farms Road, Avon CT 06001
Parking is at the Fisher Meadows South Parking Lot – 800 Old Farms Rd. We will meet in the first section of the lot (immediately to the right), which is just off Old Farms Rd. Let’s meet at 9:45 for a 10:00 AM start.
Click on the red map pin for the event address.

Leashed Dogs Permitted