Sat. Jun 7
05:00 pm
08:00 pm
3 miles
Open Event
Kicking off at Spring Street Trailhead we will embark a 3 mile total hike to the summit of Case Mountain. We encourage bringing snacks to enjoy at the peak as we may catch the setting of the sun. Manchester’s department of Leisure, Family, and Recreation welcome you all to enjoy the outdoors!
Event Leader(s)
Anthony Mazzotta
amazzotta@manchesterct.govRain Date
Organization Partners
Meeting Location Details
672 Spring St, Manchester, CT 06040
Small parking lot and road parking, carpooling encouraged. We will congregate on tip of the bridge over the waterfall, at the Spring Street parking lot.
Click on the red map pin for the event address.

CFPA Blue-Blazed Hiking Trail

Leashed Dogs Permitted