Sun. Jun 8
10:00 am
02:00 pm
30 miles
10 Open Spots
A flat and easy 30 mile ‘in and out’ ride on a beautiful rail trail, from Granby CT to Westfield MA, with coffee/lunch break along the way.
Turn back whenever you want; a great ride for novices.
(E-bikes are welcome!)
A bike in good condition, a properly fitting helmet, a spare inner tube, water and snacks required.
Bright clothing, flat repair kit, front and rear warning lights recommended.
(SO, FL/RL, RG, 10-12 mph) 30 miles
Event Leader(s)
Organization Partners
Meeting Location Details
Meet at the parking area on Floydville Rd near Rt 202, in Granby CT (across from Freshies Cafe.
Click on the red map pin for the event address.

No Dogs Permitted