Sat. Jun 7
09:30 am
11:30 am
2 Miles
Open Event
Walk the newly established Angeloni Woodland Preserve in North Branford, as well as part of the Kampmeyer Preserve in Guilford. This forested land has some inclines, streams, glacial deposits and rocky cliffs. The initial part of the hike will take you by NBLCT’s Notch Hill Brook Trails, so keep that in mind for a later date. From there, you will continue along an old trolley line. Meet by 9:15am.
Event Leader(s)
Geoff Smith
isput2022@gmail.comRain Date
June 8, 2025.
Organization Partners
Meeting Location Details
60 Ciro Rd, North Branford, CT 06471
There is sufficient parking around the cul-de-sac on Ciro Rd.
Click on the red map pin for the event address.

No Dogs Permitted